These studios are a shared space and so we want to make sure that every individual that books with us has the same experience as the person before them.

We want you to feel inspired and creatively driven by the studios while still maintaining it’s cleanliness and layout before you leave. Please read our frequently asked questions below before booking the space and feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions.



  • Both studios have large windows, which allow for great natural lighting throughout the studio during the day.

    Melrose has 10ft windows spanning the entire length of the North and East side, allowing for amazing natural light from sunrise to sunset.

    Casa has 10ft windows on the S side, allowing for more of a soft glow.

    When booking later in the evening or on rainy days, please be mindful of this if you are relying on natural lighting. There are outlets and extension cords available in each studio if you are looking to bring in your own lighting. *Artificial studio lighting not provided.

  • We do not offer refunds for any of our bookings, however, if you let us know in advance you may receive studio credit.

    Studio Credit will be given accordingly:

    Weekends (Fri, sat, sun):

    72 hours notice for weekends, full studio credit

    48 hours notice of weekends, 50% studio credit

    Less than 48hours notice, no studio credit

    Weekdays (Monday-Thursday):

    48 hours notice or more, full studio credit

    24 hours or more, 50% studio credit

    Less than 24 hours, no studio credit

    The credit will be valid for up to 12 months from the original date of booking.

    No shows will not receive credit.

  • We ask that large pieces of furniture, such as large couches, rugs, etc. remain where they are to avoid excessive wear and tear of our floors and furniture. We kindly ask that if any of the smaller chairs, stools and props are moved during your rental, that they are put back where you found them so the next renter is able to enjoy a clean and organized studio as well.

  • YES! It is expected that you leave the studio clean and organized for the next rental. We ask that you:

    Sweep up (brooms can be found in each studio by the door

    Re-make the bed (in casa)

    Move all furniture back to where you found it

    Throw out any garbage, coffee cups, etc. in our trash bins

    Lock the studio door behind you

    In winter months or rainy days, remove all outdoor shoes in the front entryway

    *An extra studio cleaning fee will apply if these things are not met. **If you find a mess when you walk into the studio, please report it so we can hold everyone accountable.

  • Both studios are dog and pet friendly, however we do ask that if a mess is made, that they are cleaned up after so the studio is tidy for the next person.

  • Melrose - Seated: 30ppl Standing: 80ppl

    Casa - Seated: 8ppl Standing: 20ppl

  • The studios are not available for a tour before renting however you are more than welcome to check out our virtual tour here! (Insert links for virtual tours).

  • As we state in our booking policy, the studio is subject to change. We do our best to plan in advance and give proper notice to all of our bookings when an installation is going in. You will always be given the option to relocate your booking to another date or save it as credit for up to 12 months from the original booking date.

    Depending on the installation, you can pay to have it removed. The fee will be based on the installation itself.

  • Casa is located on the first floor with a few steps to gain access. Melrose is located on the Second floor with no access to an elevator. There is one flight of stairs to Melrose Studio.

  • No. The booking comes with exclusive use of the studio. A photographer must be pre-arranged if you are in need of one.

  • Yes! We ask you to reach out to us directly to get approved for your event. Events and gatherings can be held in either space, however a cleaning fee will be added to your booking to ensure we are ready for your party and our next renters. A security deposit may be required.